Thursday, December 2, 2010

My OBSESSION: YouTube...finding new talent....

About 3 years ago, I really got into youtube. There were these viral videos that were going around and everyone HAD to see them. I have always had an interest in music. I started watching music videos but I needed something more. I was bored with it. So then I started searching " me singing _________" and then the name of the song I wanted to hear. I realized there were hundreds of videos of people singing my favorite song.

Then I got bored. So I started searching " ___________ covers" and I would put the artist I wanted to hear. This made me discover channels. Channels are peoples profiles of youtube. They put their upload videos, information, and other channels they subscribe to. So I then started finding these people who were really good. I'm talking about people who I think should have record deals with major record labels.

So how has this become my obsession? I live on youtube. I live on it more than I do facebook. When I sign on facebook, I read my news feed and then get on youtube. I have become obsessed with listening to these people sing. Over the years, their performances have gone from singing in front of their computer, to playing their own musical instuments, to making their own music videos. I follow several different people who do collaborations with other people I follow.

I think this is a great way for independent artist to get known. Many artist love music because they love to perform. Some do it for the money but some do it because people watch. The people that I follow have milllions of people who watch their video. Thats more than someone would have at a concert. I just think its amazing how talented people are. I love all music but I get bored with mainstream music and therefore I have converted to watching youtube videos. :)

Here are just a few people I follow that I am super obsessed with:

Tyler Ward

Julia Sheer

(and YES that was Tyler Ward playing guitar with her)


Lucus Teague

Thanks for watching! I hope you go and subscribe to my favorite artists on youtube!!

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